Workstation assessments: complying with the law and improving the health of your staff

Are you an Employer, HR Director or Office Manager? Read on to find out how we helped a City PR company: comply with the law relating to Health and Safety at work improve working conditions for their office workers and improve the health of their staff by reducing work related aches and pains and absenteeism   […]

Nell McAndrew from

Running a marathon? Read our Physio, Nic Pugh’s marathon story

Earlier this week I interviewed Nic Pugh, one of our Physios who has decided to run the London Marathon for the first time. Read on to find out how her first three months of training have gone and the highs and lows – even for the professionals! Hello Nic. Tell us a bit about yourself? […]

How simple pelvic floor exercises are helping new mums get back to an active life with confidence

Have you recently had a baby but are struggling to be active without leaking urine? Perhaps you are dependent on wearing a pad ‘just in case’? Whether you have set your sights on running a 5K race  or just need to be able to run around after your toddler – you need a good strong pelvic […]

How Pilates is helping the over 50’s achieve a strong and flexible body – without sweating it out in the gym!

  As we get older we all lose some of our youthful flexibility, strength and posture through the natural ageing process, unless of course we work to maintain it.   Not everyone enjoys sweating it out in the gym. That’s why Pilates is a great alternative for those who prefer something more sedate but just […]

How Pilates can help new mums get safely back to running – post pregnancy

After having a baby all new mums will know that their stomach muscles have been stretched during pregnancy and lose their muscle strength. For mums that were regular runners pre-pregnancy, the temptation can be to get back to running at the earliest opportunity, with the hope their strength and tone will regain quite quickly. This […]

How Pilates is helping skiers to achieve fitness in just 6 weeks!

  Many families will be looking forward to their half term and Easter skiing holidays. But did you know that there are just 7 weeks from now until Easter?! That’s not much time to get fit for the slopes and cut down your risk of injury. Here I explain why skiers are choosing a new 6 […]

Knee pain when cycling – and how to avoid it

Cycling is a great way to get fit but it isn’t without risk of pain and injury. Apart from the obvious flesh wounds related to falling off your bike, the most common problems are usually felt around the knee. Read on to learn more about the common causes of cycling knee pain and how to […]

laptop stand with document holder sourced from

Which workstation accessories could help you enjoy a more comfortable working day?

Apart from the basic desk, chair and computer there are a number of useful gadgets which can help you work more comfortably at work or in your home office. We’ve picked out a few that we think can make a real difference.   The footrest: in a previous blog ‘Are you sitting comfortably?’ we talked […]

Do you have good working habits?

Getting your workstation set up correctly is the first part of looking after the health of your spine. The second part is introducing some good working habits which will cut down the loading of your joints and soft tissues and keep you pain free through your working life. Have you studied your work area? Can […]

Picture of knee sourced from

How to cope with Osteoarthritis

Did you know that last week was both national ‘Walk to Work Week’ and ‘Arthritis Week’? As Physiotherapists we treat lots of people suffering from arthritis in their joints. A common question they ask us is ‘What form of exercise is safe for me to do?’ Walking and swimming are excellent forms of exercise because […]

10 top tips for injury free running

Whether you just run for fun or are a hardened marathon runner we’ve put together some simple tips to keep you free of injury and help you set up some good training habits for life: Footwear: invest in quality running shoes which should last 300-800 miles of running. Find a specialist running shop where you […]

Are you sitting comfortably?

The majority of our clients are sedentary workers. You may be surprised to hear that sitting all day can be just as harmful as heavy labour. Very few jobs these days don’t include sitting at a desk and using a computer for at least some of the time. Getting your workstation set up correctly doesn’t […]