Common Running Injuries & how Physiotherapy can help: Part 2

Common Running Injuries & how Physiotherapy can help: Part 1

Running the London Marathon? Find your winning edge with our help

Physiotherapy can help runners improve their personal best and overcome injury

Is cadence important for running? Read Dave’s steps to success!

And why cadence may be something to consider…… If you have ever wondered what the Cadence measurement on your Garmin running data actually means, you should hopefully find the following advice useful! Cadence (the total number of steps you make per minute) is dictated by your running style and can have a big impact on […]

Massage Monday – how we can help you recover from the London Marathon!

If you have just woken up after completing the London Marathon yesterday, you may well be feeling stiff and sore! This week I asked our new massage therapist, Rachel Jarvis, to tell us how massage can help you recover from a marathon. Rachel recently jointed our massage team of three. She is a very keen […]

London Marathon – race day preparations

With just a few weeks to go until the London Marathon you should be thinking carefully about your race day preparations. Here are some top tips to help you through what may be one of the most memorable days of your life. Eating and drinking – experts advise eating about 2-4 hours before the race starts […]


Are you a first time marathon runner or new to distance running? Read our top tips for avoiding the injury pitfalls!

  If you have just got your first place in the London Marathon for 2018 – congratulations! Or perhaps you are new to distance running? Either way you’re no doubt excited but perhaps equally anxious about the challenges ahead. Training for, and then running a marathon is a great achievement but there are lots of […]

Getting into your best marathon mindset

Are you running a marathon? Do you feel daunted by the prospect of getting through the last few weeks of training and the race day from a mental perspective? We have invited Dr Josephine Perry to give her top tips on some sport psychology things to think about for the final 6 weeks of training and […]

Running a marathon? Read these top tips on footwear!

Are you running a marathon? Do you know how often you should change your shoes? Have you thought about the race day and what you will be wearing? We’ve asked Dominic Stead of Sporting Feet to give us his top tips on footwear and more! Sporting feet Dominic and co-owner Geoff Ross run Sporting Feet […]

Getting your nutrition and hydration right on marathon race day

We have invited Jo Scott-Dalgleish, a Registered Nutritional Therapist, to guest blog for us on the subject of nutrition and hydration for marathon race days. Jo is a degree-qualified Nutritional Therapist who specialises in endurance sports such as long distance running, cycling, triathlons, open water swimming events and other endurance sporting challenges. Jo says that […]

10 top tips for running in winter weather

10 top tips to get through whatever the winter months can throw at us! Whether you are training for a marathon or just a regular leisure runner you will no doubt know all about the challenges of running in winter conditions. Let us help you with some practical advice. 1. Get your clothing right The […]

Running a marathon? Is sports massage a luxury or a necessity?

For most of us, running a marathon is a massive challenge and commitment. So the last thing you want is an injury that could force you to pull out before the big day. Effective stretching – and if required Physiotherapy – can help you through to the finish line. But many runners are unaware of […]