Common Running Injuries & how Physiotherapy can help: Part 2

Common Running Injuries & how Physiotherapy can help: Part 1

Running the London Marathon? Find your winning edge with our help

putting a spring back into your step

Put a Spring into your Step

Physiotherapy can help runners improve their personal best and overcome injury

Is cadence important for running? Read Dave’s steps to success!

And why cadence may be something to consider…… If you have ever wondered what the Cadence measurement on your Garmin running data actually means, you should hopefully find the following advice useful! Cadence (the total number of steps you make per minute) is dictated by your running style and can have a big impact on […]


Are you a first time marathon runner or new to distance running? Read our top tips for avoiding the injury pitfalls!

  If you have just got your first place in the London Marathon for 2018 – congratulations! Or perhaps you are new to distance running? Either way you’re no doubt excited but perhaps equally anxious about the challenges ahead. Training for, and then running a marathon is a great achievement but there are lots of […]

Getting your nutrition and hydration right on marathon race day

We have invited Jo Scott-Dalgleish, a Registered Nutritional Therapist, to guest blog for us on the subject of nutrition and hydration for marathon race days. Jo is a degree-qualified Nutritional Therapist who specialises in endurance sports such as long distance running, cycling, triathlons, open water swimming events and other endurance sporting challenges. Jo says that […]