Our running clinic and experienced physios can offer a running assessment and help you improve your performance and avoid injury. Whether you are a seasoned marathon runner or completely new to running we can help you every step of the way.
We have a team of therapists that cover all aspects running performance including:
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Sports massage
- Podiatry
- Nutrition
- Personal training
- Pilates and Yoga classes and 121’s
What is a running assessment?
A running assessment and gait analysis looks at the way you run and walk. Physioptherapists can use the information to detect biomechanical faults or inefficiencies that could lead to injury. They will also use the running assessment to advise on technique and exercises to improve your running performance.
Treadmill based video analysis of your running gait
If you simply want to have your running gait assessed we can carry out a treadmill-based video assessment in our running clinic and run through the findings with you.
This session also includes running specific strength and flexibility screening and some advice on a rehab strategy if you have any injuries.
If you need further follow up sessions these can be taken on a stand alone basis. However if you would prefer more of a formal programme of care read on for more information of our packages.
Investment: £124
Next steps….
If you feel you would benefit from this kind of support and help from Physio Dave and the team then call the clinic on 020 8876 5690, email us here or just pop into the clinic and book your first session.
Marathon and return to running packages in our Running Clinic
Your First Marathon Package
Running a marathon can be quite a daunting prospect when you haven’t done one before.
If you are thinking about running the London Marathon – use this link to see the history of this great event.
Our First Marathon Package will take you through a pre-marathon screening of all the known risk factors so we can identify areas of potential injury before they develop and help you tackle them in advance.
Based on our assessment of your strength, mobility and running style we can design you a strength, conditioning and flexibility programme to work on your weaker areas alongside your normal running training.
Your First Marathon Package includes:
- Two one-hour sessions in our running clinic to complete a strength, flexibility and treadmill based biomechanical running assessment.
- A tailor-made strength & conditioning program (addressing any weaknesses identified in the assessment).
- A personalised program of stretches and mobility exercises.
- Pertinent advice on how to optimize your basic running style & progress your mileage.
- 4 x 45 minute sessions over the course of your training program to help keep you on track with your exercises, progress them where necessary and discuss any niggles, or concerns that you have.
Investment: £538.20 (10% saving)
Your Marathon Personal Best Package
Are you a more experienced runner who’d like to improve your performance and reach a new Personal Best?
If you’ve been trying to hit a new marathon PB but just keep falling short on the day or not making it to the start line, then there’s a good chance that injuries and/or a lack of structure to your training might be holding you back. Running your best race relies on completing all of your key training sessions week after week, as optimal performance is built on consistent and, importantly, ‘smart’ training.
Niggles and injuries can’t always be avoided but there is a lot that can be done to minimise the risk of injury, particularly when most running injuries are attributable to overuse (or in other words ‘training errors’). The PB package will help you ‘train smart’ and learn to recognise when you may be pushing too close to the ‘injury red line’.
The Marathon PB Package Includes:
- Two one hour and 4 x 45 minute physiotherapy sessions.
- This will include a treadmill based assessment of your running biomechanics in our running clinic.
- A thorough assessment of your running & injury history & discussion of your goals & targets.
- A tailored strength & conditioning programme to address any identified deficits to help you be more injury resilient, as well as looking at areas to improve performance.
- Guidance on how to spot signs of injury, and how to adapt your training to prevent an injury developing.
- The package also includes 4 x 30 minute massages to get your muscles and soft tissues in tip top condition enabling you to train hard and recover well.
Investment: £718.20 (10% saving)
Running Clinic – Your Return to Running Package
Sometimes as runners, we get an injury that inhibits our ability to perform, but it can also dent our confidence. Maybe you’ve got a marathon place, but aren’t sure if you’ll be robust enough to make it round? You may even have friends or family who are cautioning you against running, or perhaps you’re concerned about letting down your charity you hope to run for?
If you’ve been frustrated by a recurring injury that has stopped you running then the Return to Running package is aimed at you.
The Return to Running Package Includes:
- A thorough assessment of your running & injury history & discussion of your goals & targets.
- An assessment of your current injury & referral for further specialist opinion if required.
- Treadmill based assessment of your running biomechanics (if you are able to run).
- Guidance that’s easy to understand and immediate advice on modifying your running style and training schedule.
- A follow up one-hour session to measure your strength, power and endurance in muscle groups that impact on your running performance and injury.
- A tailored strength and conditioning programme to address any identified deficits.
- Two subsequent 45 minute Physio sessions for treatment of your injury and review of your training program. Your training schedule and strength and conditioning programme can be progressed as you improve.
- Two further half hour Physio sessions which can be used to review your running technique on the treadmill or for massage.
Investment: £491.40 (10% saving)
Running articles by our specialist therapists
We have written lots of articles about running, marathons, improving performance, avoiding injury and recovering afterwards. Use these links to find out more:
- Is sports massage a luxury or a necessity?
- London Marathon – race day preparations
- Getting your nutrition and hydration right on marathon race day
- Running a marathon? Is sports massage a luxury or a necessity?
- Running a marathon? Read our Physio, Nic Pugh’s marathon story
- Voucher offer for marathon runners
- 10 top tips for injury free running